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Your Annual Team Membership Comes With:


  • "The Greatest Coach Of All Time" Movie 

  • As Seen In The Movie: Access to "The Comeback Playbook Challenge" E-Book, along with 40 accompaniment videos with Coach Brown that will guide and encourage you through all 40 days of "The Comeback Playbook Challenge".

  • An invite to join our exclusive community of players who have joined, "The Greatest Coach Of All Times" team. We refer to our team as: "TEAM GCOAT"! where we encourage eachother daily through our community engagement platform!

  • You will also receive the unlimited access to the audio book version of "The Greatest Coach Of All Time & His Game Changing Playbook For Your Comeback" read by the author!

  • Save almost $40 dollars off of your team membership!

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Total (including taxes)
USD $197.00
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